Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I am feeling a little down on myself today. I don't know what it is... hormones maybe? Who knows. Just down.

I feel like nothing I'm doing is good enough. I feel like I'm not making enough of a difference. I feel like the things that I saw happening for myself are not going to happen after all. I feel like there are things in my life that are slipping away from me.

Do you ever feel like that? Like everything is spinning out of control? Like everything you thought you had figured out just isn't what it seems?

I'm not big on starting over, really. The prospects of that are so mind boggling that it puts me at a standstill...

I'm not one of those people who can just keep on day by day acting like everything is ok, when it's clearly not. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and my mind works constantly trying to overcome the obstacles in my way.

Hopefully it's just "one of those days"....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I don't know that I have ever verbalized this to anyone except in a private setting. I don't like to talk about it because it gets people worked up, and more often than not, those people don't know what they're talking about anyway.

Huge pet peeve: Political Extremists & Conspiracy Theorists

Why? Mostly because they're full of shit. Check your facts idiots... Sure, everyone has opinions, that's great and I encourage it. However, it seems ludicrous to convey these "opinions" as ABOSLUTISM when there is no evidence to support it.

I was reading a blog posted by an extremist/theorist today and he continually quoted and made reference to "Wikipedia". In case anyone does not know what Wikipedia is, it's an online encyclopedia CREATED BY ANYONE WHO WANTS TO POST on it. Sound like a viable source? Not to me... How do I know that this jackass didn't post all these entries in Wikipedia himself, only to prove his own point? Furthermore... it would make it at least reasonably feasible for me to take you seriously if you could actually spell. Yes: ignorance=discreditability. I'm not going to buy GUM from someone who can't spell (or at least have the know-how to use spell check) let alone buy into some off-the-wall extremist view of 9-11 led by an ignorant hothead.

Do we not have enough problems in this country already without some private-sector extremist group trying to infiltrate the minds of the weak? We are standing on the brink of a new era in 2008! Working against that only perpetuates the problems already facing us...

So there's my rant for the afternoon... so rarely does something pique my political side to the point where I must vent, but today I felt the need to share.