Friday, March 27, 2009


Upon the advice of a fellow writer, I am taking my first plunge into free form, stream-of-conscious writing. I've been feeling a little blocked lately, as some would speculate, due to all the happiness in my life. I've never been happy like this before, so I don't really know how to handle it, and as a sad consequence of all this blissful living, my writing has gone to crap.

I think part of it is the gruesome 8 hours I spend at my job every day being unmotivated and unstimulated. I've had to sneak in some blog time during work just to keep myself from going insane. When I imagine writing, I think about sitting in my bright, sunshiny living room with my feet propped up and laptop in, well...lap, and just writing away undisturbed. Rarely does it happen that way. Scratch rarely, it never happens. Instead, I try to write during the day at work, but find myself being interrupted constantly, and losing my train of thought entirely. Maybe I should be more disciplined.

And here I am distracted again. I just spent about 30 minutes looking for background images for my Twitter page. Stupid.

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